Photos from the Art Wank reading of “Simon Beauchamp”

On July fourth, amidst crumpled pieces of paper, The Four Winds Collective introduced Simon Beauchamp to the world. Or at least to our wonderful audience and intrigued Bloor Street pedestrians just wandering by.

The performance was part of the Toronto Fringe Festival’s Art Wank, and took place on a raised stage in the Honest Ed’s Alley.

The traffic on Bloor and the bar across the street provided an unexpected, but interesting, soundtrack as we read (at one point, The Beatles lamented the lonelines of Eleanor Rigby as our Simon relived his own). It was quite an experience to tell a story at one of the busiest intersections in Toronto, and one thing that surprised us both was that we didn’t feel the least bit out of place. The atmosphere around the Fringe tent certainly holds a charge (and it’s not just coming from this dreadful sun).

Friend of the Collective, Peter Counter, was kind enough to snap a few shots of the performance. Scroll down to take a look at the first incarnation of our inaugural project: Simon Beauchamp.

Andrew & Carla